A Publisher of Orthodox Academic Resources:

“Faithful to the tradition, in obedience to the Faith”

The Media and Publishing Ministry of the St. Basil Society

Basilian Media & Publishing seeks to promote the knowledge of Orthodox Thought and Culture through its Rule of Faith journal, its video media and podcasts, its monographs and blogs. The editorial purpose is to produce academically rigorous scholarship, engaging fiction and poetry, and an extended discussion of on what it means to be Orthodox in America.

Latest Offering from Basilian Media and Rule of Faith

In this issue of The Rule of Faith: A Journal of Orthodox Thought & Culture, the journal of the St. Basil Society, in conjunction with the St. Basil Center for Orthodox Thought and Culture at Eastern University, after editorials by Fr. Joseph Lucas, PhD and Dr. Cyril Jenkins, we have articles from
Dr. Joshua Moritz (“Should the Orthodox Take Baby Steps towards a Feminine Priesthood”), Dr. William J. Tighe (“Deaconesses in the Late Antique Orthodox World: On the Peripheries (Latin West and the “Far East”)
and in the Center”), Protodeacon Brian Patrick Mitchell (“Orthodox Deaconesses: When History is Not Tradition” and Fr. Raphael {Brown} (“Models for Holiness”).

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Basilian Media & Publishing is the publication wing of the St. Basil Society.

We currently publish a semi-annual journal, The Rule of Faith (Summer and Winter), produce internet content, and are also looking for authors.

Whether you are a poet, musician, artist, a writer of memoirs, an essayist, or even someone into fiction, we are looking for people interested in the promotion of Orthodox thought and culture, and looking for a venue where they can get their art and ideas out to the world.